On sums in generalized algebraic categories
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal (1973)
- Volume: 23, Issue: 2, page 235-251
- ISSN: 0011-4642
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topHow to cite
top- J. Adámek F. Koubek V. Pohlová, On colimits in the generalized algebraic categories, to appear.
- J. Adámek V. Koubek, The coequalizers in the generalized algebraic categories, Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 13, 2 (1972), 311-324. (1972) MR0302731
- P. Goralčík V. Trnková, On products in generalized algebraic categories, Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 10, 1 (1969), 49-89. (1969) MR0246932
- V. Koubek, Set functors, Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae, 12, 1 (1971), 175-195. (1971) Zbl0217.06803MR0286860
- P. Pták, On equalizers in generalized algebraic categories, Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 13, 2(1972), 351-324. (1972) MR0302732
- V. Trnková, Some properties of set functors, Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 10, 2 (1969), 323-352. (1969) MR0252474
- V. Trnková, On descriptive classification of set functors I, II, Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 12, 1 (1971), 143-174. (1971) MR0294445
- O. Wyler, Operational categories, Proceedings of the conference on categorical algebra, La Jolla 1965, 295-316. (1965) MR0204498
Citations in EuDML Documents
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