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Formality and the Lefschetz property in symplectic and cosymplectic geometry

Giovanni BazzoniMarisa FernándezVicente Muñoz — 2015

Complex Manifolds

We review topological properties of Kähler and symplectic manifolds, and of their odd-dimensional counterparts, coKähler and cosymplectic manifolds. We focus on formality, Lefschetz property and parity of Betti numbers, also distinguishing the simply-connected case (in the Kähler/symplectic situation) and the b1 = 1 case (in the coKähler/cosymplectic situation).

The geometry of a closed form

Marisa FernándezRaúl IbáñezManuel de León — 1998

Banach Center Publications

It is proved that a closed r-form ω on a manifold M defines a cohomology (called ω-coeffective) on M. A general algebraic machinery is developed to extract some topological information contained in the ω-coeffective cohomology. The cases of 1-forms, symplectic forms, fundamental 2-forms on almost contact manifolds, fundamental 3-forms on G 2 -manifolds and fundamental 4-forms in quaternionic manifolds are discussed.

Nilpotent complex structures.

Este artículo presenta un panorama de algunos resultados recientes sobre estructuras complejas nilpotentes J definidas sobre nilvariedades compactas. Tratamos el problema de clasificación de nilvariedades compactas que admiten una tal J, el estudio de un modelo minimal de Dolbeault y su formalidad, y la construcción de estructuras complejas nilpotentes para las cuales la sucesión espectral de Frölicher no colapsa en el segundo término.

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