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Multivariate multiple comparisons with a control in elliptical populations

Naoya OkamotoTakashi Seo — 2013

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

The approximate upper percentile of Hotelling's T²-type statistic is derived in order to construct simultaneous confidence intervals for comparisons with a control under elliptical populations with unequal sample sizes. Accuracy and conservativeness of Bonferroni approximations are evaluated via a Monte Carlo simulation study. Finally, we explain the real data analysis using procedures derived in this paper.

Directional and scale-dependent statistics of quasi-static magnetohydrodynamic turbulence

Naoya OkamotoKatsunori YoshimatsuKai SchneiderMarie Farge — 2011

ESAIM: Proceedings

Anisotropy and intermittency of quasi-static magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence in an imposed magnetic field are examined, using three-dimensional orthonormal wavelet analysis. Wavelets are an efficient tool to examine directional scale-dependent statistics, since they are based on well-localized functions in space, scale and direction. The analysis is applied to two turbulent MHD flows computed by direct numerical simulation with 512 grid points...

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