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How similarity matrices are?

Teresa Riera — 1978


In finite sets with n elements, every similarity relation (or fuzzy equivalence) can be represented by an n x n-matrix S = (s), s ∈ [0,1], such that s = 1 (1 ≤ i ≤ n), s = s for any i,j and S o S = S, where o denotes the max-min product of matrices. These matrices represent also dendograms and sets of closed balls of a finite ultrametric space (vid. [1], [2], [3]).

On fuzzy binary relations.

A binary relation language is an important tool of the theory of measurements (see, for example, book [5]). Specifically, the theory of nominal and ordinal scales is based on theories of equivalent relations and weak orderings. These binary relations have a simple structure which can be described as follows (bearing in mind a context of the measurement theory).

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