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Finite element analysis of primal and dual variational formulations of semicoercive elliptic problems with nonhomogeneous obstacles on the boundary

Van Bon Tran — 1988

Aplikace matematiky

The Poisson equation with non-homogeneous unilateral condition on the boundary is solved by means of finite elements. The primal variational problem is approximated on the basis of linear triangular elements, and O ( h ) -convergence is proved provided the exact solution is regular enough. For the dual problem piecewise linear divergence-free approximations are employed and O ( h 3 / 2 ) -convergence proved for a regular solution. Some a posteriori error estimates are also presented.

Application of discrete curvatures to surface mesh simplification and feature line extraction

Alexandra BacJean-Luc MariDimitri KudelskiNam-Van TranSophie ViseurMarc Daniel — 2013

Actes des rencontres du CIRM

We present two applications of discrete curvatures for surface mesh processing. The first one deals withÊsimplifying a mesh while preserving its sharp features. The second application can be considered as a dual problem, as we investigate ways to detect feature lines within a mesh. Both applications are illustrated with valuable results.

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