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On classical invariant theory and binary cubics

Gerald W. Schwarz — 1987

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let G be a reductive complex algebraic group, and let C [ m V ] G denote the algebra of invariant polynomial functions on the direct sum of m copies of the representations space V of G . There is a smallest integer n = n ( V ) such that generators and relations of C [ m V ] G can be obtained from those of C [ n V ] G by polarization and restitution for all m > n . We bound and the degrees of generators and relations of C [ n V ] G , extending results of Vust. We apply our techniques to compute the invariant theory of binary cubics.

Linear maps preserving orbits

Gerald W. Schwarz — 2012

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let H GL ( V ) be a connected complex reductive group where V is a finite-dimensional complex vector space. Let v V and let G = { g GL ( V ) g H v = H v } . Following Raïs we say that the orbit H v is if the identity component of G is H . If H is semisimple, we say that H v is for H if the identity component of G is an extension of H by a torus. We classify the H -orbits which are not (semi)-characteristic in many cases.

Invariants of four subspaces

Gerry W. SchwarzDavid L. Wehlau — 1998

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We consider problems in invariant theory related to the classification of four vector subspaces of an n -dimensional complex vector space. We use castling techniques to quickly recover results of Howe and Huang on invariants. We further obtain information about principal isotropy groups, equidimensionality and the modules of covariants.

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