Displaying similar documents to “An approximation property for abstract differential equations”

On restricted weak upper semicontinuous set valued mappings and reflexivity

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Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


È noto che se uno spazio di Banach è quasi-smooth (cioè, la sua applicazione di dualità è debolmente semicontinua superiormente in senso ristretto), allora il suo duale non ha sottospazi chiusi normanti propri. Inoltre, se uno spazio di Banach ha una norma equivalente la cui applicazione di dualità ha un grafo che contiene superiormente un'applicazione debolmente semicontinua superiormente in senso ristretto, allora lo spazio è Asplund. Dimostriamo che se uno spazio di Banach ha una...

On bounded approximation properties of Banach spaces

Eve Oja (2010)

Banach Center Publications


This survey features some recent developments concerning the bounded approximation property in Banach spaces. As a central theme, we discuss the weak bounded approximation property and the approximation property which is bounded for a Banach operator ideal. We also include an overview around the related long-standing open problem: Is the approximation property of a dual Banach space always metric?

An interplay between the weak form of Peano's theorem and structural aspects of Banach spaces

C. S. Barroso, M. A. M. Marrocos, M. P. Rebouças (2013)

Studia Mathematica


We establish some results that concern the Cauchy-Peano problem in Banach spaces. We first prove that a Banach space contains a nontrivial separable quotient iff its dual admits a weak*-transfinite Schauder frame. We then use this to recover some previous results on quotient spaces. In particular, by applying a recent result of Hájek-Johanis, we find a new perspective for proving the failure of the weak form of Peano's theorem in general Banach spaces. Next, we study a kind of algebraic...