Displaying similar documents to “A note on major sequences and external activity in trees.”

Edit distance between unlabeled ordered trees

Anne Micheli, Dominique Rossin (2006)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications


There exists a bijection between one-stack sortable permutations (permutations which avoid the pattern ) and rooted plane trees. We define an edit distance between permutations which is consistent with the standard edit distance between trees. This one-to-one correspondence yields a polynomial algorithm for the subpermutation problem for pattern-avoiding permutations. Moreover, we obtain the generating function of the edit distance between ordered unlabeled trees and some special ones. For...

The triangles method to build X -trees from incomplete distance matrices

Alain Guénoche, Bruno Leclerc (2001)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle


A method to infer X -trees (valued trees having X as set of leaves) from incomplete distance arrays (where some entries are uncertain or unknown) is described. It allows us to build an unrooted tree using only 2 n -3 distance values between the n elements of X , if they fulfill some explicit conditions. This construction is based on the mapping between X -tree and a weighted generalized 2-tree spanning X .

On binary trees and permutations

A. Panayotopoulos, A. Sapounakis (1992)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines


Every binary tree is associated to a permutation with repetitions, which determines it uniquely. Two operations are introduced and used for the construction of the set of all binary trees. The set of all permutations which correspond to a given binary tree is determined and its cardinal number is evaluated.