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Displaying similar documents to “On the non-holonomic character of logarithms, powers, and the n th prime function.”

On the sum of digits of some sequences of integers

Javier Cilleruelo, Florian Luca, Juanjo Rué, Ana Zumalacárregui (2013)

Open Mathematics


Let b ≥ 2 be a fixed positive integer. We show for a wide variety of sequences {a n}n=1∞ that for almost all n the sum of digits of a n in base b is at least c b log n, where c b is a constant depending on b and on the sequence. Our approach covers several integer sequences arising from number theory and combinatorics.

Counting Keith numbers.

Klazar, Martin, Luca, Florian (2007)

Journal of Integer Sequences [electronic only]
