Displaying similar documents to “Equivalence problem for Lagrangians”

Geometrical aspects of the covariant dynamics of higher order

D. Opris, I. D. Albu (1998)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We present some geometrical aspects of a higher-order jet bundle which is considered a suitable framework for the study of higher-order dynamics in continuous media. We generalize some results obtained by A. Vondra, [7]. These results lead to a description of the geometrical dynamics of higher order generated by regular equations.

Vector fields and connection on fibred manifolds

Dekrét, Anton


[For the entire collection see Zbl 0699.00032.] In a previous paper [Cas. Pestovani Mat. 115, No.4, 360-367 (1990)] the author determined the set of the vector fields on TM by which connections on TM can be constructed. In this paper, he generalizes some of such constructions to the case of vector fields on fibred manifolds, giving several examples.