Displaying similar documents to “A Class of Compact Complex Manifolds with Negative Tangent Bundles.”

Vector bundles over Dold manifolds

R. E. Stong (2001)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


This paper determines the possible Stiefel-Whitney classes for vector bundles over Dold manifolds.

Natural differential operators between some natural bundles

Włodzimierz M. Mikulski (1993)

Mathematica Bohemica


Let F and G be two natural bundles over n -manifolds. We prove that if F is of type (I) and G is of type (II), then any natural differential operator of F into G is of order 0. We give examples of natural bundles of type (I) or of type (II). As an application of the main theorem we determine all natural differential operators between some natural bundles.