Displaying similar documents to “The 0-distributivity in the class of subalgebra lattices of Heyting algebras and closure algebras”

Congruence lattices in varieties with compact intersection property

Filip Krajník, Miroslav Ploščica (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We say that a variety 𝒱 of algebras has the Compact Intersection Property (CIP), if the family of compact congruences of every A 𝒱 is closed under intersection. We investigate the congruence lattices of algebras in locally finite, congruence-distributive CIP varieties and obtain a complete characterization for several types of such varieties. It turns out that our description only depends on subdirectly irreducible algebras in 𝒱 and embeddings between them. We believe that the strategy...

On a certain construction of lattice expansions

Hector Gramaglia (2004)

Mathematica Bohemica


We obtain a simple construction for particular subclasses of several varieties of lattice expansions. The construction allows a unified approach to the characterization of the subdirectly irreducible algebras