Displaying similar documents to “A Separation Theorem for Expected Value and Feared Value Discrete Time Control”

Robust Control of Linear Stochastic Systems with Fully Observable State

Alexander Poznyak, M. Taksar (1996)

Applicationes Mathematicae


We consider a multidimensional linear system with additive inputs (control) and Brownian noise. There is a cost associated with each control. The aim is to minimize the cost. However, we work with the model in which the parameters of the system may change in time and in addition the exact form of these parameters is not known, only intervals within which they vary are given. In the situation where minimization of a functional over the class of admissible controls makes no sense since...

Maximum principle for optimal control of fully coupled forward-backward stochastic differential delayed equations

Jianhui Huang, Jingtao Shi (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations


This paper deals with the optimal control problem in which the controlled system is described by a fully coupled anticipated forward-backward stochastic differential delayed equation. The maximum principle for this problem is obtained under the assumption that the diffusion coefficient does not contain the control variables and the control domain is not necessarily convex. Both the necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality are proved. As illustrating examples, two kinds of linear...