Displaying similar documents to “A spectral study of an infinite axisymmetric elastic layer”

Structure of approximate solutions of variational problems with extended-valued convex integrands

Alexander J. Zaslavski (2008)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations


In this work we study the structure of approximate solutions of autonomous variational problems with a lower semicontinuous strictly convex integrand : × { } , where is the -dimensional Euclidean space. We obtain a full description of the structure of the approximate solutions which is independent of the length of the interval, for all sufficiently large intervals.

An improved derandomized approximation algorithm for the max-controlled set problem

Carlos Martinhon, Fábio Protti (2011)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications


A vertex of a graph = () is said to be by M V if the majority of the elements of the neighborhood of  (including itself) belong to . The set is a in if every vertex i V is controlled by . Given a set M V and two graphs = ( V , E 1 ) and = ( V , E 2 ) where E 1 E 2 , the consists of deciding whether there exists a sandwich graph = () (, a graph where E 1 E E 2 ) such that is a monopoly in = (). If the answer to the is No, we then consider the , whose objective is to find a sandwich...

An improved derandomized approximation algorithm for the max-controlled set problem

Carlos Martinhon, Fábio Protti (2011)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications


A vertex of a graph = () is said to be by M V if the majority of the elements of the neighborhood of  (including itself) belong to . The set is a in if every vertex i V is controlled by . Given a set M V and two graphs = ( V , E 1 ) and = ( V , E 2 ) where E 1 E 2 , the consists of deciding whether there exists a sandwich graph = () (, a graph where E 1 E E 2 ) such that is a monopoly in = (). If the answer to the is No, we then consider the , whose objective is to find a sandwich...

On the asymptotic properties of a simple estimate of the Mode

Christophe Abraham, Gérard Biau, Benoît Cadre (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics


We consider an estimate of the mode of a multivariate probability density with support in d using a kernel estimate drawn from a sample . The estimate is defined as any in {} such that f n ( x ) = max i = 1 , , n f n ( X i ) . It is shown that behaves asymptotically as any maximizer θ ^ n of . More precisely, we prove that for any sequence ( r n ) n 1 of positive real numbers such that r n and r n d log n / n 0 , one has r n θ n - θ ^ n 0 in probability. The asymptotic normality of follows without further work.

About the decision of reachability for register machines

Véronique Cortier (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications


We study the decidability of the following problem: given  affine functions ƒ,...,ƒ over k and two vectors v 1 , v 2 k , is reachable from by successive iterations of ƒ,...,ƒ (in this given order)? We show that this question is decidable for and undecidable for some fixed .