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Displaying similar documents to “Analysis of Synchronization in a Neural Population by a Population Density Approach”

Population Dynamics of Grayling: Modelling Temperature and Discharge Effects

S. Charles, J.-P. Mallet, H. Persat (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena


We propose a matrix population modelling approach in order to describe the dynamics of a grayling (, L. 1758) population living in the Ain river (France). We built a Leslie like model, which integrates the climate changes in terms of temperature and discharge. First, we show how temperature and discharge can be related to life history traits like survival and reproduction. Second, we show how to use the population model to precisely examine the life cycle of grayling : estimated numbers...

The Basic Reproduction Number of an Infectious Disease in a Stable Population: The Impact of Population Growth Rate on the Eradication Threshold

H. Inaba, H. Nishiura (2008)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena


Although age-related heterogeneity of infection has been addressed in various epidemic models assuming a demographically stationary population, only a few studies have explicitly dealt with age-specific patterns of transmission in growing or decreasing population. To discuss the threshold principle realistically, the present study investigates an age-duration-structured SIR epidemic model assuming a stable host population, as the first scheme to account for the non-stationality of the...

Mathematical Modeling Describing the Effect of Fishing and Dispersion on Hermaphrodite Population Dynamics

S. Ben Miled, A. Kebir, M. L. Hbid (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena


In order to study the impact of fishing on a grouper population, we propose in this paper to model the dynamics of a grouper population in a fishing territory by using structured models. For that purpose, we have integrated the natural population growth, the fishing, the competition for shelter and the dispersion. The dispersion was considered as a consequence of the competition. First we prove, that the grouper stocks may be less sensitive...

Competitive Exclusion in a Discrete Stage-Structured Two Species Model

A. S. Ackleh, P. Zhang (2009)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena


We develop a stage-structured model that describes the dynamics of two competing species each of which have sexual and clonal reproduction. This is typical of many plants including irises. We first analyze the dynamical behavior of a single species model. We show that when the net reproductive number is smaller than one then the population will go to extinction and if it is larger than one then an interior equilibrium exists and it is globally asymptotically stable. Then we...