Displaying similar documents to “Adherence of minimizers for dual convergences”

A note on almost sure convergence and convergence in measure

P. Kříž, Josef Štěpán (2014)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


The present article studies the conditions under which the almost everywhere convergence and the convergence in measure coincide. An application in the statistical estimation theory is outlined as well.

Noncommutative Valdivia compacta

Marek Cúth (2014)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We prove some generalizations of results concerning Valdivia compact spaces (equivalently spaces with a commutative retractional skeleton) to the spaces with a retractional skeleton (not necessarily commutative). Namely, we show that the dual unit ball of a Banach space is Corson provided the dual unit ball of every equivalent norm has a retractional skeleton. Another result to be mentioned is the following. Having a compact space K , we show that K is Corson if and only if every continuous...

ϕ ( F 11 ) = 88 .

Luca, Florian, Mignotte, Maurice (2006)

Divulgaciones Matemáticas
