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Displaying similar documents to “On Monk’s questions”

Historic forcing for Depth

Andrzej Rosłanowski, Saharon Shelah (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We show that, consistently, for some regular cardinals θ <λ, there exists a Boolean algebra 𝔹 such that |𝔹| = λ⁺ and for every subalgebra 𝔹'⊆ 𝔹 of size λ⁺ we have Depth(𝔹') = θ.

Boolean algebras admitting a countable minimally acting group

Aleksander Błaszczyk, Andrzej Kucharski, Sławomir Turek (2014)

Open Mathematics


The aim of this paper is to show that every infinite Boolean algebra which admits a countable minimally acting group contains a dense projective subalgebra.