Displaying similar documents to “Bernstein and van der Corput-Schaake type inequalities on semialgebraic curves”

Polynomial inequalities on algebraic sets

M. Baran, W. Pleśniak (2000)

Studia Mathematica


We give an estimate of Siciak’s extremal function for compact subsets of algebraic varieties in n (resp. n ). As an application we obtain Bernstein-Walsh and tangential Markov type inequalities for (the traces of) polynomials on algebraic sets.

Bernstein classes

N. Roytwarf, Yosef Yomdin (1997)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


One of the classical Bernstein inequalities compares the maxima of a polynomial of a given degree on the interval [-1,1] and on the ellipse in the complex plane with the focuses -1, 1 and the semiaxes R . We prove a similar inequality for a branch of an algebraic function of a given degree on the maximal disk of its regularity, with the explicitly given constant, depending on the degree only. In particular, this improves a recent inequality of Fefferman and Narasimhan and answers one...

On the polynomial-like behaviour of certain algebraic functions

Charles Feffermann, Raghavan Narasimhan (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


Given integers D > 0 , n > 1 , 0 < r < n and a constant C > 0 , consider the space of r -tuples P = ( P 1 ... P r ) of real polynomials in n variables of degree D , whose coefficients are C in absolute value, and satisfying det P i x i ( 0 ) 1 i , j r = 1 . We study the family { f | V } of algebraic functions, where f is a polynomial, and V = { | x | δ , P ( x ) = 0 } , δ > 0 being a constant depending only on n , D , C . The main result is a quantitative extension theorem for these functions which is uniform in P . This is used to prove Bernstein-type inequalities which are again uniform with respect to P . ...