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Displaying similar documents to “A characterization of commutative Fréchet algebras with all ideals closed”

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On the ideal structure of algebras of LMC-algebra valued functions

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Generators of maximal left ideals in Banach algebras

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In 1971, Grauert and Remmert proved that a commutative, complex, Noetherian Banach algebra is necessarily finite-dimensional. More precisely, they proved that a commutative, complex Banach algebra has finite dimension over ℂ whenever all the closed ideals in the algebra are (algebraically) finitely generated. In 1974, Sinclair and Tullo obtained a non-commutative version of this result. In 1978, Ferreira and Tomassini improved the result of Grauert and Remmert by showing that...

On ideals consisting of topological zero divisors

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