Displaying similar documents to “Directed forests with application to algorithms related to Markov chains”

Technical comment. A problem on Markov chains

Franco Giannessi (2002)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle


A problem (arisen from applications to networks) is posed about the principal minors of the matrix of transition probabilities of a Markov chain.

Reduction of absorbing Markov chain

Mariusz Górajski (2009)

Annales UMCS, Mathematica


In this paper we consider an absorbing Markov chain with finite number of states. We focus especially on random walk on transient states. We present a graph reduction method and prove its validity. Using this method we build algorithms which allow us to determine the distribution of time to absorption, in particular we compute its moments and the probability of absorption. The main idea used in the proofs consists in observing a nondecreasing sequence of stopping times. Random walk on...

Some ideas for comparison of Bellman chains

Laurent Truffet (2003)



In this paper we are exploiting some similarities between Markov and Bellman processes and we introduce the main concepts of the paper: comparison of performance measures, and monotonicity of Bellman chains. These concepts are used to establish the main result of this paper dealing with comparison of Bellman chains.

Simple Markov chains

O. Adelman (1976)

Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Clermont. Mathématiques


Accurate calculations of Stationary Distributions and Mean First Passage Times in Markov Renewal Processes and Markov Chains

Jeffrey J. Hunter (2016)

Special Matrices


This article describes an accurate procedure for computing the mean first passage times of a finite irreducible Markov chain and a Markov renewal process. The method is a refinement to the Kohlas, Zeit fur Oper Res, 30, 197–207, (1986) procedure. The technique is numerically stable in that it doesn’t involve subtractions. Algebraic expressions for the special cases of one, two, three and four states are derived.Aconsequence of the procedure is that the stationary distribution of the...

Two algorithms based on Markov chains and their application to recognition of protein coding genes in prokaryotic genomes

Małgorzata Grabińska, Paweł Błażej, Paweł Mackiewicz (2013)

Applicationes Mathematicae


Methods based on the theory of Markov chains are most commonly used in the recognition of protein coding sequences. However, they require big learning sets to fill up all elements in transition probability matrices describing dependence between nucleotides in the analyzed sequences. Moreover, gene prediction is strongly influenced by the nucleotide bias measured by e.g. G+C content. In this paper we compare two methods: (i) the classical GeneMark algorithm, which uses a three-periodic...