Displaying similar documents to “Coherence constraints for operads, categories and algebras”

Exact sequences for mixed coproduct/ tensor-product ring constructions.

Warren Dicks, Ian J. Leary (1994)

Publicacions Matemàtiques


To a commutative ring K, and a family of K-algebras indexed by the vertex set of a graph, we associate a K-algebra obtained by a mixture of coproduct and tensor product constructions. For this, and related constructions, we give exact sequences and deduce homological properties.

Deformation Theory (Lecture Notes)

M. Doubek, Martin Markl, Petr Zima (2007)

Archivum Mathematicum


First three sections of this overview paper cover classical topics of deformation theory of associative algebras and necessary background material. We then analyze algebraic structures of the Hochschild cohomology and describe the relation between deformations and solutions of the corresponding Maurer-Cartan equation. In Section  we generalize the Maurer-Cartan equation to strongly homotopy Lie algebras and prove the homotopy invariance of the moduli space of solutions of this equation....