Displaying similar documents to “Homotopy diagrams of algebras”

Homotopy algebras via resolutions of operads

Markl, Martin


Summary: All algebraic objects in this note will be considered over a fixed field k of characteristic zero. If not stated otherwise, all operads live in the category of differential graded vector spaces over k . For standard terminology concerning operads, algebras over operads, etc., see either the original paper by [“The geometry of iterated loop spaces”, Lect. Notes Math. 271 (1972; Zbl 0244.55009)], or an overview [, “La renaissance des opérads”, Sémin. Bourbaki 1994/95, Exp. No....

Derivations of homotopy algebras

Tom Lada, Melissa Tolley (2013)

Archivum Mathematicum


We recall the definition of strong homotopy derivations of A algebras and introduce the corresponding definition for L algebras. We define strong homotopy inner derivations for both algebras and exhibit explicit examples of both.

A proof of the Baues-Lemaire conjecture in rational homotopy theory

Majewski, Martin


This paper contains an announcement of a result, which settles the connection between various algebraic models for rational homotopy theory: the models of Quillen, Sullivan and Adams-Hilton-Anick. It is shown how this result, combined with a recent result of Anick, implies a conjecture of and [Math. Ann. 225, 219-245 (1977; Zbl 0322.55019)].We describe in some detail the construction of these models (Section 1). We present a variant of the Adams-Hilton model, which is defined in a...

Homotopy over B and under A

K. A. Hardie, K. H. Kamps (1987)

Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques
