Displaying similar documents to “A decomposition heuristic for the maximal covering location problem.”

A note to independent sets in scheduling

Jan Černý (1995)

Applications of Mathematics


The paper studies the bus-journey graphs in the case when they are piecewise expanding and contracting (if described by fathers-sons relations starting with the greatest independent set of nodes). This approach can make it possible to solve the minimization problem of the total service time of crews.

An ex-post bound on the greedy heuristic for the uncapacitated facility location problem

Jean-Michel Thizy (2006)

RAIRO - Operations Research


A bound for the greedy heuristic applied to the K-facility location problem can be calculated, using values gathered during the calculation of the heuristic. The bound strengthens a well-known bound for the heuristic. Computational experiments show that this bound can be beneficial when the number of facilities is small or close to the total number of potential sites. In addition, it is consistent with previous results about the influence of the data characteristics upon the optimal...

Covering with rectangular pieces.

Iacob, Paul, Marinescu, Daniela, Luca, Cristina (2003)

Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii “Ovidius" Constanţa. Seria: Matematică


Primal-dual approximation algorithms for a packing-covering pair of problems

Sofia Kovaleva, Frits C. R. Spieksma (2002)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle


We consider a special packing-covering pair of problems. The packing problem is a natural generalization of finding a (weighted) maximum independent set in an interval graph, the covering problem generalizes the problem of finding a (weighted) minimum clique cover in an interval graph. The problem pair involves weights and capacities; we consider the case of unit weights and the case of unit capacities. In each case we describe a simple algorithm that outputs a solution to the packing...

Airspace sectorization with constraints

Huy Trandac, Philippe Baptiste, Vu Duong (2005)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle


We consider the Airspace Sectorization Problem (ASP) in which airspace has to be partitioned into a given number of sectors, each of which being assigned to a team of air traffic controllers. The objective is to minimize the coordination workload between adjacent sectors while balancing the total workload of controllers. Many specific constraints, including both geometrical and aircraft related constraints are taken into account. The problem is solved in a constraint programming framework....