Displaying similar documents to “Some results on stochastic convolutions arising in Volterra equations perturbed by noise”

Stochastic viability and a comparison theorem

Anna Milian (1995)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We give explicit necessary and sufficient conditions for the viability of polyhedrons with respect to Itô equations. Using the viability criterion we obtain a comparison theorem for multi-dimensional Itô processes

Existence and uniqueness of solutions for non-linear stochastic partial differential equations.

Tomás Caraballo Garrido (1991)

Collectanea Mathematica


We state some results on existence and uniqueness for the solution of non linear stochastic PDEs with deviating arguments. In fact, we consider the equation dx(t) + (A(t,x(t)) + B(t,x(a(t))) + f(t)dt = (C(t,x(b(t)) + g(t))dwt, where A(t,·), B(t,·) and C(t,·) are suitable families of non linear operators in Hilbert spaces, wt is a Hilbert valued Wiener process, and a, b are functions of delay. If A satisfies a coercivity condition and a monotonicity hypothesis, and if B, C are Lipschitz...