Displaying similar documents to “Stability of quadratic interpolation polynomials in vertices of triangles without obtuse angles”

Additive groups connected with asymptotic stability of some differential equations

Árpád Elbert (1998)

Archivum Mathematicum


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An inequality for the coefficients of a cosine polynomial

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Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


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Optimal-order quadratic interpolation in vertices of unstructured triangulations

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Applications of Mathematics


We study the problem of Lagrange interpolation of functions of two variables by quadratic polynomials under the condition that nodes of interpolation are vertices of a triangulation. For an extensive class of triangulations we prove that every inner vertex belongs to a local six-tuple of vertices which, used as nodes of interpolation, have the following property: For every smooth function there exists a unique quadratic Lagrange interpolation polynomial and the related local interpolation...

Two sided norm estimate of the Bergman projection on L p spaces

Milutin R. Dostanić (2008)

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We give some explicit values of the constants C 1 and C 2 in the inequality C 1 / sin ( π p ) P p C 2 / sin ( π p ) where P p denotes the norm of the Bergman projection on the L p space.