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Displaying similar documents to “Čech-completeness and ultracompleteness in “nice spaces””

Note on countable unions of Corson countably compact spaces

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Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We show that a compact space K has a dense set of G δ points if it can be covered by countably many Corson countably compact spaces. If these Corson countably compact spaces may be chosen to be dense in K , then K is even Corson.

Closed embeddings into complements of Σ -products

Aleksander V. Arhangel'skii, Miroslav Hušek (2008)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


In some sense, a dual property to that of Valdivia compact is considered, namely the property to be embedded as a closed subspace into a complement of a Σ -subproduct of a Tikhonov cube. All locally compact spaces are co-Valdivia spaces (and only those among metrizable spaces or spaces having countable type). There are paracompact non-locally compact co-Valdivia spaces. A possibly new type of ultrafilters lying in between P-ultrafilters and weak P-ultrafilters is introduced. Under Martin...

A generalization of Čech-complete spaces and Lindelöf Σ -spaces

Aleksander V. Arhangel'skii (2013)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


The class of s -spaces is studied in detail. It includes, in particular, all Čech-complete spaces, Lindelöf p -spaces, metrizable spaces with the weight 2 ω , but countable non-metrizable spaces and some metrizable spaces are not in it. It is shown that s -spaces are in a duality with Lindelöf Σ -spaces: X is an s -space if and only if some (every) remainder of X in a compactification is a Lindelöf Σ -space [Arhangel’skii A.V., Remainders of metrizable and close to metrizable spaces, Fund. Math....