Displaying similar documents to “On the global solvability of linear partial differential equations with constant coefficients in the space of real analytic functions”

Constructible functions on 2-dimensional analytic manifolds.

Isabelle Bonnard, Federica Pieroni (2004)

Revista Matemática Complutense


We present a characterization of sums of signs of global analytic functions on a real analytic manifold M of dimension two. Unlike the algebraic case, obstructions at infinity are not relevant: a function is a sum of signs on M if and only if this is true on each compact subset of M. This characterization gives a necessary and sufficient condition for an analytically constructible function, i.e. a linear combination with integer coefficients of Euler characteristic of fibers of proper...

On the intersection product of analytic cycles

Sławomir Rams (2000)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We prove that the generalized index of intersection of an analytic set with a closed submanifold (Thm. 4.3) and the intersection product of analytic cycles (Thm. 5.4), which are defined in [T₂], are intrinsic. We define the intersection product of analytic cycles on a reduced analytic space (Def. 5.8) and prove a relation of its degree and the exponent of proper separation (Thm. 6.3).

A microlocal version of Cartan-Grauert's theorem

I. V. Maresin, A. G. Sergeev (1998)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Tuboids are tube-like domains which have a totally real edge and look asymptotically near the edge as a local tube over a convex cone. For such domains we state an analogue of Cartan’s theorem on the holomorphic convexity of totally real domains in n n .