Displaying similar documents to “Approximation of set-valued functions by continuous functions”

Fixed-point theorems for multi-valued functions and their applications to functional equations

Roman Węgrzyk


IntroductionIn this paper we present some fixed point theorems for multi-valued functions (m.v. functions for short), generalizing well-known results (Chapter 2).Next, in Chapter 3, we consider continuous solutions of equation (3.1). First we characterize the continuous solutions of this equation, and then we give some theorems on extending continuous solutions.Chapter 4 contains theorems on the existence of continuous solutions when this equation is of order n, i.e. if the set of indices...

Best approximations, fixed points and parametric projections

Tiziana Cardinali (2002)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization


If f is a continuous seminorm, we prove two f-best approximation theorems for functions Φ not necessarily continuous as a consequence of our version of Glebov's fixed point theorem. Moreover, we obtain another fixed point theorem that improves a recent result of [4]. In the last section, we study continuity-type properties of set valued parametric projections and our results improve recent theorems due to Mabizela [11].