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Displaying similar documents to “Direct limits of congruence systems”

Congruence submodularity

Ivan Chajda, Radomír Halaš (2002)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications


We present a countable infinite chain of conditions which are essentially weaker then congruence modularity (with exception of first two). For varieties of algebras, the third of these conditions, the so called 4-submodularity, is equivalent to congruence modularity. This is not true for single algebras in general. These conditions are characterized by Maltsev type conditions.

Some properties of congurence relations on orthomodular lattices

Gerhard Dorfer (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications


In this paper congruences on orthomodular lattices are studied with particular regard to analogies in Boolean algebras. For this reason the lattice of p-ideals (corresponding to the congruence lattice) and the interplay between congruence classes is investigated. From the results adduced there, congruence regularity, uniformity and permutability for orthomodular lattices can be derived easily.

Some modifications of congruence permutability and dually congruence regular varietie

Ivan Chajda, Günther Eigenthaler (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications


It is well known that every congruence regular variety is n-permutable (in the sense of [9]) for some n ≥ 2. For the explicit proof see e.g. [2]. The connections between this n and Mal'cev type characterizations of congruence regularity were studied by G.D. Barbour and J.G. Raftery [1]. The concept of local congruence regularity was introduced in [3]. A common generalization of congruence regularity and local congruence regularity was given in [6] under the name "dual congruence regularity...

On congruence distributivity of ordered algebras with constants

Krisztina Balog, Benedek Skublics (2011)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications


We define the order-congruence distributivity at 0 and order- congruence n-distributivity at 0 of ordered algebras with a nullary operation 0. These notions are generalizations of congruence distributivity and congruence n-distributivity. We prove that a class of ordered algebras with a nullary operation 0 closed under taking subalgebras and direct products is order-congruence distributive at 0 iff it is order-congruence n-distributive at 0. We also characterize such classes by a Mal'tsev...