Displaying similar documents to “A discrete approximation of the Weber problem with Euclidean distance”

On the conjecture relating minimax and minimean complexity norms

Peter Růžička, Juraj Wiedermann (1979)

Aplikace matematiky


Using counterexample it has been shown that an algorithm which is minimax optimal and over all minimax optimal algorithms is minimean optimal and has a uniform behaviour need not to be minimean optimal.

Optimal placement of electrodes in an electroporation process

Nicolae Cîndea, Benoît Fabrèges, Frédéric de Gournay, Clair Poignard (2010)

ESAIM: Proceedings


Electroporation consists in increasing the permeability of a tissue by applying high voltage pulses. In this paper we discuss the question of optimal placement and optimal loading of electrodes such that electroporation holds only in a given open set of the domain. The electroporated set of the domain is where the norm of the electric field is above a given threshold value. We use a standard gradient algorithm to optimize the loading...

Improved approximation of the general soft-capacitated facility location problem

Laurent Alfandari (2007)

RAIRO - Operations Research


The soft-capacitated facility location problem, where each facility is composed of a variable number of fixed-capacity production units, has been recently studied in several papers, especially in the metric case. In this paper, we only consider the general problem where connection costs do not systematically satisfy the triangle inequality property. We show that an adaptation of the set covering greedy heuristic, where the subproblem is approximately solved by a fully polynomial-time...