Displaying similar documents to “Fixed Points of a Generalized Smoothing Transformation and Applications to Branching Processes”

Branching Stochastic Processes: History, Theory, Applications Разклоняващи се стохастични процеси: история, теория, приложения

Mitov, Kosto (2011)

Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians


Косто В. Митов - Разклоняващите се стохастични процеси са модели на популационната динамика на обекти, които имат случайно време на живот и произвеждат потомци в съответствие с дадени вероятностни закони. Типични примери са ядрените реакции, клетъчната пролиферация, биологичното размножаване, някои химични реакции, икономически и финансови явления. В този обзор сме се опитали да представим съвсем накратко някои от най-важните моменти и факти от историята, теорията и приложенията на...

Process-level large deviations for nonlinear Hawkes point processes

Lingjiong Zhu (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques


In this paper, we prove a process-level, also known as level-3 large deviation principle for a very general class of simple point processes, i.e. nonlinear Hawkes process, with a rate function given by the process-level entropy, which has an explicit formula.

Density in small time for Lévy processes

Jean Picard (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics


The density of real-valued Lévy processes is studied in small time under the assumption that the process has many small jumps. We prove that the real line can be divided into three subsets on which the density is smaller and smaller: the set of points that the process can reach with a finite number of jumps (Δ-accessible points); the set of points that the process can reach with an infinite number of jumps (asymptotically Δ-accessible points); and the set of points that the process...