Displaying similar documents to “A topological model of site-specific recombination that predicts the knot and link type of DNA products”

Applications of topology to DNA

Isabel Darcy, De Sumners (1998)

Banach Center Publications


The following is an expository article meant to give a simplified introduction to applications of topology to DNA.

Unknotting number and knot diagram.

Yasutaka Nakanishi (1996)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid


This note is a continuation of a former paper, where we have discussed the unknotting number of knots with respect to knot diagrams. We will show that for every minimum-crossing knot-diagram among all unknotting-number-one two-bridge knot there exist crossings whose exchange yields the trivial knot, if the third Tait conjecture is true.

Local moves on knots and products of knots

Louis H. Kauffman, Eiji Ogasa (2014)

Banach Center Publications


We show a relation between products of knots, which are generalized from the theory of isolated singularities of complex hypersurfaces, and local moves on knots in all dimensions. We discuss the following problem. Let K be a 1-knot which is obtained from another 1-knot J by a single crossing change (resp. pass-move). For a given knot A, what kind of relation do the products of knots, K ⊗ A and J ⊗ A, have? We characterize these kinds of relation between K ⊗ A and J ⊗ A by using local...

Lissajous knots and billiard knots

Vaughan Jones, Józef Przytycki (1998)

Banach Center Publications


We show that Lissajous knots are equivalent to billiard knots in a cube. We consider also knots in general 3-dimensional billiard tables. We analyse symmetry of knots in billiard tables and show in particular that the Alexander polynomial of a Lissajous knot is a square modulo 2.

Virtual Legendrian isotopy

Vladimir Chernov, Rustam Sadykov (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


An elementary stabilization of a Legendrian knot L in the spherical cotangent bundle ST*M of a surface M is a surgery that results in attaching a handle to M along two discs away from the image in M of the projection of the knot L. A virtual Legendrian isotopy is a composition of stabilizations, destabilizations and Legendrian isotopies. A class of virtual Legendrian isotopy is called a virtual Legendrian knot. In contrast to Legendrian knots, virtual Legendrian knots...

Virtual knot invariants arising from parities

Denis Petrovich Ilyutko, Vassily Olegovich Manturov, Igor Mikhailovich Nikonov (2014)

Banach Center Publications


In [12, 15] it was shown that in some knot theories the crucial role is played by parity, i.e. a function on crossings valued in {0,1} and behaving nicely with respect to Reidemeister moves. Any parity allows one to construct functorial mappings from knots to knots, to refine many invariants and to prove minimality theorems for knots. In the present paper, we generalise the notion of parity and construct parities with coefficients from an abelian group rather than ℤ₂ and investigate...

Every knot is a billiard knot

P. V. Koseleff, D. Pecker (2014)

Banach Center Publications


We show that every knot can be realized as a billiard trajectory in a convex prism. This proves a conjecture of Jones and Przytycki.