Displaying similar documents to “The algebra of first-order fuzzy logic”

On functions that cannot be mv-truth values in algebraic structures.

Enric Trillas (1988)



It is shown, in a general frame and playing with idempotency, that in order to have on a given lattice a Multiple Valued Logic preserving the lattice structure, the only t-norms and t-conorms allowing to modelize the truth values of a v b, a ^ b and a --> b are Min and Max, respectively, apart from ordinal sums.

Validation sets in fuzzy logics

Rostislav Horčík, Mirko Navara (2002)



The validation set of a formula in a fuzzy logic is the set of all truth values which this formula may achieve. We summarize characterizations of validation sets of S -fuzzy logics and extend them to the case of R -fuzzy logics.

A note on paracomplete logic

Newton C. A. da Costa, Diego Marconi (1986)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni


In questa nota gli Autori descrivono nuovi sistemi di logica (detta «paracompleta») connessi con la logica della vaghezza («fuzzy logic») e con le logiche paraconsistenti.