Displaying similar documents to “A new metric invariant for Banach spaces”

Non-separable tree-like Banach spaces and Rosenthal's ℓ₁-theorem

Costas Poulios (2014)

Studia Mathematica


We introduce and investigate a class of non-separable tree-like Banach spaces. As a consequence, we prove that we cannot achieve a satisfactory extension of Rosenthal's ℓ₁-theorem to spaces of the type ℓ₁(κ) for κ an uncountable cardinal.

Quotients of Banach spaces and surjectively universal spaces

Pandelis Dodos (2010)

Studia Mathematica


We characterize those classes 𝓒 of separable Banach spaces for which there exists a separable Banach space Y not containing ℓ₁ and such that every space in the class 𝓒 is a quotient of Y.

The Banach-Tarski paradox for the hyperbolic plane (II)

Jan Mycielski, Grzegorz Tomkowicz (2013)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


The second author found a gap in the proof of the main theorem in [J. Mycielski, Fund. Math. 132 (1989), 143-149]. Here we fill that gap and add some remarks about the geometry of the hyperbolic plane ℍ².

An amalgamation of the Banach spaces associated with James and Schreier, Part I: Banach-space structure

Alistair Bird, Niels Jakob Laustsen (2010)

Banach Center Publications


We create a new family of Banach spaces, the James-Schreier spaces, by amalgamating two important classical Banach spaces: James' quasi-reflexive Banach space on the one hand and Schreier's Banach space giving a counterexample to the Banach-Saks property on the other. We then investigate the properties of these James-Schreier spaces, paying particular attention to how key properties of their 'ancestors' (that is, the James space and the Schreier space) are expressed in them. Our main...