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Displaying similar documents to “Nilakantha's accelerated series for π”

Convergence of greedy approximation I. General systems

S. V. Konyagin, V. N. Temlyakov (2003)

Studia Mathematica


We consider convergence of thresholding type approximations with regard to general complete minimal systems eₙ in a quasi-Banach space X. Thresholding approximations are defined as follows. Let eₙ* ⊂ X* be the conjugate (dual) system to eₙ; then define for ε > 0 and x ∈ X the thresholding approximations as T ε ( x ) : = j D ε ( x ) e * j ( x ) e j , where D ε ( x ) : = j : | e * j ( x ) | ε . We study a generalized version of T ε that we call the weak thresholding approximation. We modify the T ε ( x ) in the following way. For ε > 0, t ∈ (0,1) we set D t , ε ( x ) : = j : t ε | e * j ( x ) | < ε and consider...

Some generalizations of Olivier's theorem

Alain Faisant, Georges Grekos, Ladislav Mišík (2016)

Mathematica Bohemica


Let n = 1 a n be a convergent series of positive real numbers. L. Olivier proved that if the sequence ( a n ) is non-increasing, then lim n n a n = 0 . In the present paper: (a) We formulate and prove a necessary and sufficient condition for having lim n n a n = 0 ; Olivier’s theorem is a consequence of our Theorem . (b) We prove properties analogous to Olivier’s property when the usual convergence is replaced by the -convergence, that is a convergence according to an ideal of subsets of . Again, Olivier’s theorem is a consequence...

Weak convergence of mutually independent X B and X A under weak convergence of X X B - X A

W. Szczotka (2006)

Applicationes Mathematicae


For each n ≥ 1, let v n , k , k 1 and u n , k , k 1 be mutually independent sequences of nonnegative random variables and let each of them consist of mutually independent and identically distributed random variables with means v̅ₙ and u̅̅ₙ, respectively. Let X B ( t ) = ( 1 / c ) j = 1 [ n t ] ( v n , j - v ̅ ) , X A ( t ) = ( 1 / c ) j = 1 [ n t ] ( u n , j - u ̅ ̅ ) , t ≥ 0, and X = X B - X A . The main result gives conditions under which the weak convergence X X , where X is a Lévy process, implies X B X B and X A X A , where X B and X A are mutually independent Lévy processes and X = X B - X A .

The gradient lemma

Urban Cegrell (2007)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


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Discriminants of Chebyshev radical extensions

T. Alden Gassert (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


Let t be any integer and fix an odd prime . Let Φ ( x ) = T n ( x ) - t denote the n -fold composition of the Chebyshev polynomial of degree shifted by t . If this polynomial is irreducible, let K = ( θ ) , where θ is a root of Φ . We use a theorem of Dedekind in conjunction with previous results of the author to give conditions on t that ensure K is monogenic. For other values of t , we apply a result of Guàrdia, Montes, and Nart to obtain a formula for the discriminant of K and compute an integral basis for the ring...

Renormings of c 0 and the minimal displacement problem

Łukasz Piasecki (2014)

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio A – Mathematica


The aim of this paper is to show that for every Banach space ( X , · ) containing asymptotically isometric copy of the space c 0 there is a bounded, closed and convex set C X with the Chebyshev radius r ( C ) = 1 such that for every k 1 there exists a k -contractive mapping T : C C with x - T x > 1 1 / k for any x C .

Convergence of greedy approximation II. The trigonometric system

S. V. Konyagin, V. N. Temlyakov (2003)

Studia Mathematica


We study the following nonlinear method of approximation by trigonometric polynomials. For a periodic function f we take as an approximant a trigonometric polynomial of the form G ( f ) : = k Λ f ̂ ( k ) e i ( k , x ) , where Λ d is a set of cardinality m containing the indices of the m largest (in absolute value) Fourier coefficients f̂(k) of the function f. Note that Gₘ(f) gives the best m-term approximant in the L₂-norm, and therefore, for each f ∈ L₂, ||f-Gₘ(f)||₂ → 0 as m → ∞. It is known from previous results that in...

Equidistribution towards the Green current

Vincent Guedj (2003)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


Let f : k k be a dominating rational mapping of first algebraic degree λ 2 . If S is a positive closed current of bidegree ( 1 , 1 ) on k with zero Lelong numbers, we show – under a natural dynamical assumption – that the pullbacks λ - n ( f n ) * S converge to the Green current T f . For some families of mappings, we get finer convergence results which allow us to characterize all f * -invariant currents.

On the Schröder equation

M. Kuczma


CONTENTSPART IIntroduction............................................................................................... 31. General solution.................................................................................. 42. Preliminaries and notation................................................................ 53. C p solutions in *................................................ 74. Change of variables..............................................................................

The weak convergence of regenerative processes using some excursion path decompositions

Amaury Lambert, Florian Simatos (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques


We consider regenerative processes with values in some general Polish space. We define their ε -big excursions as excursions e such that ϕ ( e ) g t ; ε , where ϕ is some given functional on the space of excursions which can be thought of as, e.g., the length or the height of e . We establish a general condition that guarantees the convergence of a sequence of regenerative processes involving the convergence of ε -big excursions and of their endpoints, for all ε in a set whose closure contains 0 . Finally,...

On some properties of Chebyshev polynomials

Hacène Belbachir, Farid Bencherif (2008)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications


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Almost everywhere convergence of convolution powers on compact abelian groups

Jean-Pierre Conze, Michael Lin (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques


It is well-known that a probability measure μ on the circle 𝕋 satisfies μ n * f - f d m p 0 for every f L p , every (some) p [ 1 , ) , if and only if | μ ^ ( n ) | l t ; 1 for every non-zero n ( μ is strictly aperiodic). In this paper we study the a.e. convergence of μ n * f for every f L p whenever p g t ; 1 . We prove a necessary and sufficient condition, in terms of the Fourier–Stieltjes coefficients of μ , for the strong sweeping out property (existence of a Borel set B with lim sup μ n * 1 B = 1 a.e. and lim inf μ n * 1 B = 0 a.e.). The results are extended to general compact Abelian groups...

Sobolev regularity via the convergence rate of convolutions and Jensen’s inequality

Mark A. Peletier, Robert Planqué, Matthias Röger (2007)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze


We derive a new criterion for a real-valued function u to be in the Sobolev space W 1 , 2 ( n ) . This criterion consists of comparing the value of a functional f ( u ) with the values of the same functional applied to convolutions of u with a Dirac sequence. The difference of these values converges to zero as the convolutions approach u , and we prove that the rate of convergence to zero is connected to regularity: u W 1 , 2 if and only if the convergence is sufficiently fast. We finally apply our criterium to...

The multiplicity of the zero at 1 of polynomials with constrained coefficients

Peter Borwein, Tamás Erdélyi, Géza Kós (2013)

Acta Arithmetica


For n ∈ ℕ, L > 0, and p ≥ 1 let κ p ( n , L ) be the largest possible value of k for which there is a polynomial P ≠ 0 of the form P ( x ) = j = 0 n a j x j , | a 0 | L ( j = 1 n | a j | p 1/p , aj ∈ ℂ , such that ( x - 1 ) k divides P(x). For n ∈ ℕ and L > 0 let κ ( n , L ) be the largest possible value of k for which there is a polynomial P ≠ 0 of the form P ( x ) = j = 0 n a j x j , | a 0 | L m a x 1 j n | a j | , a j , such that ( x - 1 ) k divides P(x). We prove that there are absolute constants c₁ > 0 and c₂ > 0 such that c 1 ( n / L ) - 1 κ ( n , L ) c 2 ( n / L ) for every L ≥ 1. This complements an earlier result of the authors valid for every n ∈ ℕ and L ∈...

Pointwise convergence of nonconventional averages

I. Assani (2005)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We answer a question of H. Furstenberg on the pointwise convergence of the averages 1 / N n = 1 N U ( f · R ( g ) ) , where U and R are positive operators. We also study the pointwise convergence of the averages 1 / N n = 1 N f ( S x ) g ( R x ) when T and S are measure preserving transformations.

The norm of the polynomial truncation operator on the unit disk and on [-1,1]

Tamás Erdélyi (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let D and ∂D denote the open unit disk and the unit circle of the complex plane, respectively. We denote by ₙ (resp. c ) the set of all polynomials of degree at most n with real (resp. complex) coefficients. We define the truncation operators Sₙ for polynomials P c of the form P ( z ) : = j = 0 n a j z j , a j C , by S ( P ) ( z ) : = j = 0 n a ̃ j z j , a ̃ j : = a j | a j | m i n | a j | , 1 (here 0/0 is interpreted as 1). We define the norms of the truncation operators by S , D r e a l : = s u p P ( m a x z D | S ( P ) ( z ) | ) / ( m a x z D | P ( z ) | ) , S , D c o m p : = s u p P c ( m a x z D | S ( P ) ( z ) | ) / ( m a x z D | P ( z ) | . Our main theorem establishes the right order of magnitude of the above norms: there is an absolute constant c₁...

Coppersmith-Rivlin type inequalities and the order of vanishing of polynomials at 1


Acta Arithmetica


For n ∈ ℕ, L > 0, and p ≥ 1 let κ p ( n , L ) be the largest possible value of k for which there is a polynomial P ≢ 0 of the form P ( x ) = j = 0 n a j x j , | a 0 | L ( j = 1 n | a j | p ) 1 / p , a j , such that ( x - 1 ) k divides P(x). For n ∈ ℕ, L > 0, and q ≥ 1 let μ q ( n , L ) be the smallest value of k for which there is a polynomial Q of degree k with complex coefficients such that | Q ( 0 ) | > 1 / L ( j = 1 n | Q ( j ) | q ) 1 / q . We find the size of κ p ( n , L ) and μ q ( n , L ) for all n ∈ ℕ, L > 0, and 1 ≤ p,q ≤ ∞. The result about μ ( n , L ) is due to Coppersmith and Rivlin, but our proof is completely different and much shorter even...

Hereditarily Hurewicz spaces and Arhangel'skii sheaf amalgamations

Boaz Tsaban, Lubomyr Zdomsky (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


A classical theorem of Hurewicz characterizes spaces with the Hurewicz covering property as those having bounded continuous images in the Baire space. We give a similar characterization for spaces X which have the Hurewicz property hereditarily. We proceed to consider the class of Arhangel’skii α 1 spaces, for which every sheaf at a point can be amalgamated in a natural way. Let C p ( X ) denote the space of continuous real-valued functions on X with the topology of pointwise convergence. Our...

𝒞 k -regularity for the ¯ -equation with a support condition

Shaban Khidr, Osama Abdelkader (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let D be a 𝒞 d q -convex intersection, d 2 , 0 q n - 1 , in a complex manifold X of complex dimension n , n 2 , and let E be a holomorphic vector bundle of rank N over X . In this paper, 𝒞 k -estimates, k = 2 , 3 , , , for solutions to the ¯ -equation with small loss of smoothness are obtained for E -valued ( 0 , s ) -forms on D when n - q s n . In addition, we solve the ¯ -equation with a support condition in 𝒞 k -spaces. More precisely, we prove that for a ¯ -closed form f in 𝒞 0 , q k ( X D , E ) , 1 q n - 2 , n 3 , with compact support and for ε with 0 < ε < 1 there...

Structure properties of D-R spaces

Hartmut von Trotha


CONTENTSIntroduction................................................................................................................................... 5 Notations.......................................................................................................................... 5§ 1. Preliminaries........................................................................................................................ 6 1. Right invertible operators.....................................................................................................