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The index 2 F 1 -transform of generalized functions

N. Hayek, Benito J. González (1993)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


In this paper the index transformation F ( τ ) = 0 f ( t ) 2 F 1 ( μ + 1 2 + i τ , μ + 1 2 - i τ ; μ + 1 ; - t ) t α d t 2 F 1 ( μ + 1 2 + i τ , μ + 1 2 - i τ ; μ + 1 ; - t ) being the Gauss hypergeometric function, is defined on certain space of generalized functions and its inversion formula established for distributions of compact support on 𝐈 = ( 0 , ) .