Displaying similar documents to “A construction of realizations of perturbations of Poincaré maps”

Transversal intersection of separatrices and branching of solutions as obstructions to the existence of an analitic integral in many-dimensional system. I. Basic results: Separatrices of hyperbolic periodic points.

Sergei A. Dovbysh (1999)

Collectanea Mathematica


It is well-known that the existence of transversally intersecting separatrices of hyperbolic periodic solutions leads, in a typical situation, to complicated and irregular dynamics. Therefore, in the case of a two-dimensional mapping or a three-dimensional flow, with this transversality property, there is no non-trivial analytic or meromorphic first integral, i.e., a function constant along each trajectory of the system under consideration. Additional robust conditions are obtained and...

∞-jets of diffeomorphisms preserving orbits of vector fields

Sergiy Maksymenko (2009)

Open Mathematics


Let F be a C ∞ vector field defined near the origin O ∈ ℝn, F(O) = 0, and (Ft) be its local flow. Denote by the set of germs of orbit preserving diffeomorphisms h: ℝn → ℝn at O, and let , (r ≥ 0), be the identity component of with respect to the weak Whitney Wr topology. Then contains a subset consisting of maps of the form Fα(x)(x), where α: ℝn → ℝ runs over the space of all smooth germs at O. It was proved earlier by the author that if F is a linear vector field, then = . In this paper...