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Displaying similar documents to “80th birthday of Professor Anton Huťa”

Order conditions for partitioned Runge-Kutta methods

Zdzisław Jackiewicz, Rossana Vermiglio (2000)

Applications of Mathematics


We illustrate the use of the recent approach by P. Albrecht to the derivation of order conditions for partitioned Runge-Kutta methods for ordinary differential equations.

Self-similar solutions for the two-dimensional Nernst-Planck-Debye system

Łukasz Paszkowski (2012)

Applicationes Mathematicae


We investigate the two-component Nernst-Planck-Debye system by a numerical study of self-similar solutions using the Runge-Kutta method of order four and comparing the results obtained with the solutions of a one-component system. Properties of the solutions indicated by numerical simulations are proved and an existence result is established based on comparison arguments for singular ordinary differential equations.