Displaying similar documents to “Global statistical information in exponential experiments and selection of exponential models”

Detection of outlying observations using the Akaike information criterion

Andrzej Kornacki (2013)

Biometrical Letters


For the detection of outliers (observations which are seemingly different from the others) the method of testing hypotheses is most often used. This approach, however, depends on the level of significance adopted by the investigator. Moreover, it can lead to the undesirable effect of “masking” of the outliers. This paper presents an alternative method of outlier detection based on the Akaike information criterion. The theory presented is applied to analysis of the results of beet leaf...

A comparison of parametric models for mortality graduation. Application to mortality data for the Valencia Region (Spain).

Ana Debón, Francisco Montes, Ramón Sala (2005)



The parametric graduation of mortality data has as its objective the satisfactory estimation of the death rates based on mortality data but using an age-dependent function whose parameters are adjusted from the crude rates obtainable directly from the data. This paper proposes a revision of the most commonly used parametric models and compares the result obtained with each of them when they are applied to the mortality data for the Valencia Region. As a result of the comparison, we conclude...

Global information in statistical experiments and consistency of likelihood-based estimates and tests

Igor Vajda (1998)



In the framework of standard model of asymptotic statistics we introduce a global information in the statistical experiment about the occurrence of the true parameter in a given set. Basic properties of this information are established, including relations to the Kullback and Fisher information. Its applicability in point estimation and testing statistical hypotheses is demonstrated.

Statistical procedures for spatial point pattern recognition.

Jorge Mateu (2002)



Spatial structures in the form of point patterns arise in many different contexts, and in most of them the key goal concerns the detection and recognition of the underlying spatial pattern. Particularly interesting is the case of pattern analysis with replicated data in two or more experimental groups. This paper compares design-based and model-based approaches to the analysis of this kind of spatial data. Basic questions about pattern detection concern estimating the properties of the...

Factor analysis and information criteria.

Michele Costa (1996)



In this paper the research of the true number of latent factors in exploratoty factor analysis model is studied through a comparison between the log likelihood ratio test statistics, the information criteria of Akaike, Schwarz and Hannah-Quinn and a procedure of cross-validation. In a simulation study the a priori knowledge of the exact factor structure is used to evaluate the goodness of the different methods.

On the logical development of statistical models.

Daniel Peña (1988)

Trabajos de Estadística


This paper presents a classification of statistical models using a simple and logical framework. Some remarks are made about the historical appearance of each type of model and the practical problems that motivated them. It is argued that the current stages of the statistical methodology for model building have arisen in response to the needs for more sophisticated procedures for building dynamic-explicative types of models. Some potentially important topics for future research are included. ...

A Bayesian Spatial Mixture Model for FMRI Analysis

Geliazkova, Maya (2010)

Serdica Journal of Computing


We develop, implement and study a new Bayesian spatial mixture model (BSMM). The proposed BSMM allows for spatial structure in the binary activation indicators through a latent thresholded Gaussian Markov random field. We develop a Gibbs (MCMC) sampler to perform posterior inference on the model parameters, which then allows us to assess the posterior probabilities of activation for each voxel. One purpose of this article is to compare the HJ model and the BSMM in terms of receiver operating characteristics...