Displaying similar documents to “Distributivity of strong implications over conjunctive and disjunctive uninorms”

On the structure of continuous uninorms

Paweł Drygaś (2007)



Uninorms were introduced by Yager and Rybalov [13] as a generalization of triangular norms and conorms. We ask about properties of increasing, associative, continuous binary operation U in the unit interval with the neutral element e [ 0 , 1 ] . If operation U is continuous, then e = 0 or e = 1 . So, we consider operations which are continuous in the open unit square. As a result every associative, increasing binary operation with the neutral element e ( 0 , 1 ) , which is continuous in the open unit square may be...

Optimality conditions for maximizers of the information divergence from an exponential family

František Matúš (2007)



The information divergence of a probability measure P from an exponential family over a finite set is defined as infimum of the divergences of P from Q subject to Q . All directional derivatives of the divergence from are explicitly found. To this end, behaviour of the conjugate of a log-Laplace transform on the boundary of its domain is analysed. The first order conditions for P to be a maximizer of the divergence from are presented, including new ones when P  is not projectable...

On Ozeki’s inequality for power sums

Horst Alzer (2000)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let p ( 0 , 1 ) be a real number and let n 2 be an even integer. We determine the largest value c n ( p ) such that the inequality i = 1 n | a i | p c n ( p ) holds for all real numbers a 1 , ... , a n which are pairwise distinct and satisfy min i j | a i - a j | = 1 . Our theorem completes results of Ozeki, Mitrinović-Kalajdžić, and Russell, who found the optimal value c n ( p ) in the case p > 0 and n odd, and in the case p 1 and n even.

Comparison of two methods for approximation of probability distributions with prescribed marginals

Albert Pérez, Milan Studený (2007)



Let P be a discrete multidimensional probability distribution over a finite set of variables N which is only partially specified by the requirement that it has prescribed given marginals { P A ; A 𝒮 } , where 𝒮 is a class of subsets of N with 𝒮 = N . The paper deals with the problem of approximating P on the basis of those given marginals. The divergence of an approximation P ^ from P is measured by the relative entropy H ( P | P ^ ) . Two methods for approximating P are compared. One of them uses formerly introduced...

Stochastic control optimal in the Kullback sense

Jan Šindelář, Igor Vajda, Miroslav Kárný (2008)



The paper solves the problem of minimization of the Kullback divergence between a partially known and a completely known probability distribution. It considers two probability distributions of a random vector ( u 1 , x 1 , ... , u T , x T ) on a sample space of 2 T dimensions. One of the distributions is known, the other is known only partially. Namely, only the conditional probability distributions of x τ given u 1 , x 1 , ... , u τ - 1 , x τ - 1 , u τ are known for τ = 1 , ... , T . Our objective is to determine the remaining conditional probability distributions of u τ ...