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Displaying similar documents to “Optimal control for n × n hyperbolic systems involving operators of infinite order”

Finite-dimensionality of information states in optimal control of stochastic systems: a Lie algebraic approach

Charalambos D. Charalambous (1998)



In this paper we introduce the sufficient statistic algebra which is responsible for propagating the sufficient statistic, or information state, in the optimal control of stochastic systems. Certain Lie algebraic methods widely used in nonlinear control theory, are then employed to derive finite- dimensional controllers. The sufficient statistic algebra enables us to determine a priori whether there exist finite-dimensional controllers; it also enables us to classify all finite-dimensional...

On nearly selfoptimizing strategies for multiarmed bandit problems with controlled arms

Ewa Drabik (1996)

Applicationes Mathematicae


Two kinds of strategies for a multiarmed Markov bandit problem with controlled arms are considered: a strategy with forcing and a strategy with randomization. The choice of arm and control function in both cases is based on the current value of the average cost per unit time functional. Some simulation results are also presented.