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Displaying similar documents to “Decoherence in pre-symmetric spaces.”

On the range of a Jordan *-derivation

Péter Battyányi (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


In this paper, we examine some questions concerned with certain ``skew'' properties of the range of a Jordan *-derivation. In the first part we deal with the question, for example, when the range of a Jordan *-derivation is a complex subspace. The second part of this note treats a problem in relation to the range of a generalized Jordan *-derivation.

Representations of Jordan algebras and special functions

Giancarlo Travaglini (1991)

Colloquium Mathematicae


This paper is concerned with the action of a special formally real Jordan algebra U on an Euclidean space E, with the decomposition of E under this action and with an application of this decomposition to the study of Bessel functions on the self-adjoint homogeneous cone associated to U.