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Displaying similar documents to “Anticyclotomic main conjectures.”

Congruences among modular forms on U(2,2) and the Bloch-Kato conjecture

Krzysztof Klosin (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Let k be a positive integer divisible by 4, p > k a prime, f an elliptic cuspidal eigenform (ordinary at p ) of weight k - 1 , level 4 and non-trivial character. In this paper we provide evidence for the Bloch-Kato conjecture for the motives ad 0 M ( - 1 ) and ad 0 M ( 2 ) , where M is the motif attached to f . More precisely, we prove that under certain conditions the p -adic valuation of the algebraic part of the symmetric square L -function of f evaluated at k provides a lower bound for the p -adic valuation of the order...

p -adic interpolation of convolutions of Hilbert modular forms

Volker Dünger (1997)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


In this paper we construct p -adic measures related to the values of convolutions of Hilbert modular forms of integral and half-integral weight at the negative critical points under the assumption that the underlying totally real number field F has class number h F = 1 . This extends the result of Panchishkin [Lecture Notes in Math., 1471, Springer Verlag, 1991 ] who treated the case that both modular forms are of integral weight. In order to define the measures, we need to introduce the twist...