Displaying similar documents to “The best possible unification for any collection of physical theories.”

Algebraic axiomatization of tense intuitionistic logic

Ivan Chajda (2011)

Open Mathematics


We introduce two unary operators G and H on a relatively pseudocomplemented lattice which form an algebraic axiomatization of the tense quantifiers “it is always going to be the case that” and “it has always been the case that”. Their axiomatization is an extended version for the classical logic and it is in accordance with these operators on many-valued Łukasiewicz logic. Finally, we get a general construction of these tense operators on complete relatively pseudocomplemented lattice...

Polish Notation

Taneli Huuskonen (2015)

Formalized Mathematics


This article is the first in a series formalizing some results in my joint work with Prof. Joanna Golinska-Pilarek ([12] and [13]) concerning a logic proposed by Prof. Andrzej Grzegorczyk ([14]). We present some mathematical folklore about representing formulas in “Polish notation”, that is, with operators of fixed arity prepended to their arguments. This notation, which was published by Jan Łukasiewicz in [15], eliminates the need for parentheses and is generally well suited for rigorous...

Propositional Linear Temporal Logic with Initial Validity Semantics1

Mariusz Giero (2015)

Formalized Mathematics


In the article [10] a formal system for Propositional Linear Temporal Logic (in short LTLB) with normal semantics is introduced. The language of this logic consists of “until” operator in a very strict version. The very strict “until” operator enables to express all other temporal operators. In this article we construct a formal system for LTLB with the initial semantics [12]. Initial semantics means that we define the validity of the formula in a model as satisfaction in the initial...

Cocktail: a tool for deriving correct programs.

Michael Franssen, Harrie De Swart (2004)



Cocktail is a tool for deriving correct programs from their specifications. The present version is powerful enough for educational purposes. The tool yields support for many sorted first order predicate logic, formulated in a pure type system with parametric constants (CPTS), as the specification language, a simple While-language, a Hoare logic represented in the same CPTS for deriving programs from their specifications and a simple tableau based automated theorem prover for verifying...

Logic of existence and logic of knowledge. Epistemic and non epistemic aspects of logic

Michel Bourdeau (2003)

Philosophia Scientiae


Contrairement à ce qui a parfois été dit, la logique classique et la logique intuitionniste ne s’opposent pas comme une logique de l’existence à une logique de la connaissance. Les considérations épistémologiques trouvent naturellement leur place dans le cadre de la logique classique, sans qu’il soit nécessaire de faire intervenir aucun principe intuitionniste ; il suffit pour cela de reconnaître que la logique ne peut se passer de la notion d’assertion, ou si l’on préfère de jugement....