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Displaying similar documents to “A remark on Thurston's stability theorem”

On G-foliations

Robert Wolak (1985)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Leaves of foliations with a transverse geometric structure of finite type.

Robert A. Wolak (1989)

Publicacions Matemàtiques


In this short note we find some conditions which ensure that a G foliation of finite type with all leaves compact is a Riemannian foliation of equivalently the space of leaves of such a foliation is a Satake manifold. A particular attention is paid to transversaly affine foliations. We present several conditions which ensure completeness of such foliations.

Tischler fibrations of open foliated sets

John Cantwell, Lawrence Conlon (1981)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


Let M be a closed, foliated manifold, and let U be an open, connected, saturated subset that is a union of locally dense leaves without holonomy. Supplementary conditions are given under which U admits an approximating (Tischler) fibration over S 1 . If the fibration exists, conditions under which the original leaves are regular coverings of the fibers are studied also. Examples are given to show that our supplementary conditions are generally required.