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Displaying similar documents to “Adaptive goodness-of-fit testing from indirect observations”

On two tests based on disjoint m-spacings

Franciszek Czekała (1998)

Applicationes Mathematicae


This paper is concerned with the properties of two statistics based on the logarithms of disjoint m-spacings. The asymptotic normality is established in an elementary way and exact and asymptotic means and variances are computed in the case of uniform distribution on the interval [0,1]. This result is generalized to the case when the sample is drawn from a distribution with positive step density on [0,1]. Bahadur approximate efficiency of tests based on those statistics is found for...

On an estimate of Walfisz and Saltykov for an error term related to the Euler function

Y.-F. S. Pétermann (1998)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux


The technique developed by A. Walfisz in order to prove (in 1962) the estimate H ( x ) ( log x ) 2 / 3 ( log log x ) 4 / 3 for the error term H ( x ) = n x φ ( n ) n - 6 π 2 x related to the Euler function is extended. Moreover, the argument is simplified by exploiting works of A.I. Saltykov and of A.A. Karatsuba. It is noted in passing that the proof proposed by Saltykov in 1960 of H ( x ) ( log x ) 2 / 3 ( log log x ) 1 + ϵ is erroneous and once corrected “only” yields Walfisz’ result. The generalizations obtained can be applied to error terms related to various classical - and less classical -...