Displaying similar documents to “A convex Darboux theorem”

Generically strongly q -convex complex manifolds

Terrence Napier, Mohan Ramachandran (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Suppose ϕ is a real analytic plurisubharmonic exhaustion function on a connected noncompact complex manifold X . The main result is that if the real analytic set of points at which ϕ is not strongly q -convex is of dimension at most 2 q + 1 , then almost every sufficiently large sublevel of ϕ is strongly q -convex as a complex manifold. For X of dimension 2 , this is a special case of a theorem of Diederich and Ohsawa. A version for ϕ real analytic with corners is also obtained.

On a generalization of close-to-convex functions

Swadesh Kumar Sahoo, Navneet Lal Sharma (2015)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


The paper of M. Ismail et al. [Complex Variables Theory Appl. 14 (1990), 77-84] motivates the study of a generalization of close-to-convex functions by means of a q-analog of the difference operator acting on analytic functions in the unit disk 𝔻 = {z ∈ ℂ:|z| < 1}. We use the term q-close-to-convex functions for the q-analog of close-to-convex functions. We obtain conditions on the coefficients of power series of functions analytic in the unit disk which ensure that they generate...