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Displaying similar documents to “Relaxation of singular functionals defined on Sobolev spaces”

On the regularity of local minimizers of decomposable variational integrals on domains in 2

Michael Bildhauer, Martin Fuchs (2007)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We consider local minimizers u : 2 Ω N of variational integrals like Ω [ ( 1 + | 1 u | 2 ) p / 2 + ( 1 + | 2 u | 2 ) q / 2 ] d x or its degenerate variant Ω [ | 1 u | p + | 2 u | q ] d x with exponents 2 p < q < which do not fall completely in the category studied in Bildhauer M., Fuchs M., Calc. Var. (2003), 177–186. We prove interior C 1 , α - respectively C 1 -regularity of u under the condition that q < 2 p . For decomposable variational integrals of arbitrary order a similar result is established by the way extending the work Bildhauer M., Fuchs M., Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. (2006), 349–362. ...

Optimal partial regularity of minimizers of quasiconvex variational integrals

Christoph Hamburger (2007)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations


We prove partial regularity with optimal Hölder exponent of vector-valued minimizers of the quasiconvex variational integral F ( x , u , D u ) d x under polynomial growth. We employ the indirect method of the bilinear form.