Displaying similar documents to “Characterizations of error bounds for lower semicontinuous functions on metric spaces”

Stabilization methods in relaxed micromagnetism

Stefan A. Funken, Andreas Prohl (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis


The magnetization of a ferromagnetic sample solves a non-convex variational problem, where its relaxation by convexifying the energy density resolves relevant macroscopic information. The numerical analysis of the relaxed model has to deal with a constrained convex but degenerated, nonlocal energy functional in mixed formulation for magnetic potential and magnetization . In [C. Carstensen and A. Prohl, (2001) 65–99], the conforming -element in spatial dimensions...

Robust error estimates for finite element discretizations of the heat equation with discontinuous coefficients

Stefano Berrone (2007)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis


In this work we derive error estimates based on equations residuals for the heat equation with discontinuous diffusivity coefficients. The estimates are based on a fully discrete scheme based on conforming finite elements in each time slab and on the A-stable -scheme with 1/2 ≤ ≤ 1. Following remarks of [Picasso, . (1998) 223–237; Verfürth, (2003) 195–212] it is easy to identify a time-discretization error-estimator and a space-discretization error-estimator. In...

Finite element approximations of a glaciology problem

Sum S. Chow, Graham F. Carey, Michael L. Anderson (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis


In this paper we study a model problem describing the movement of a glacier under Glen's flow law and investigated by Colinge and Rappaz [Colinge and Rappaz, (1999) 395–406]. We establish error estimates for finite element approximation using the results of Chow [Chow, (1992) 769–780] and Liu and Barrett [Liu and Barrett, (1996) 98–106] and give an analysis of the convergence of the successive approximations used in [Colinge and Rappaz,...