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Linear Space Data Structures for Two Types of Range Search. B. Chazelle; Herbert Edelsbrunner — 1987 Discrete & computational geometry
The Complexity of Cutting Complexes. B. Chazelle; Herbert Edelsbrunner; Guibas Leonidas J. — 1989 Discrete & computational geometry
Computing the connected components of simple rectilinear geometrical objects in d -space Herbert Edelsbrunner; Jan Van Leeuwen; Thomas Ottmann; Derick Wood — 1984 RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications
Topology Preserving Edge Contraction Tamal K. Dey; Herbert Edelsbrunner; Sumanta Guha; Dmitry V. Nekhayev — 1999 Publications de l'Institut Mathématique